Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Meaning of Friendship

About two weeks ago, a man stopped me on the street when I was walking home from work. Such incidents are not unusual. I have discovered that typical when anyone, male or female, stops me on the street, they want one of three things: sex, money or a job. However, there have been a few occasions when the person did not want one of these things from me so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, this tendency to trust people, which is compounded by my desire to make friends, sometimes supercedes my common sense; I really ought to realize by now that most people don’t want to be my friend here, they just want something from me.

So anyway, this man stopped me on the street and told me that he is a police officer and the Chairman of the Child Justice Forum. I got excited because I have yet to meet many community members (owing to the fact that my supervisor repeatedly denies my requests to introduce me to anyone) and this man is someone I will likely be working with in the future because I am attempting to reform the now-defunct Child Justice Forum. When he asked if he could have a friendship with me, my excitement led me to enthusiastically tell him yes.

As our conversation progressed, I quickly learned that his perception of friendship greatly differs from my own. So without knowing it, I basically agreed to have a sexual relationship with this guy! Once I discovered my error, I told him that I was NOT interested in having a relationship with him and tried to explain what my view of friendship was. While he was not happy with my sudden change in enthusiasm and refused to accept no for an answer, I was able to walk away (although I wouldn’t exactly describe my bumbling exit as graceful).

I really thought that I was in the clear since I had not seen the man for a few weeks. But of course, my assumption was proved incorrect this morning when he appeared at my office and once again, began pestering me about our budding ‘friendship.’ He again asked for my phone number and I again, spent about ten minutes telling him no. The fact that this meeting took place in my office was particularly concerning though because my phone number was printed in red ink right above my head. I don’t think he was perceptive enough to notice this though so I am really hoping that I don’t receive calls from him in which he professes his undying love for me. In all reality though, it’s probably just a matter of time…

Any suggestions on how to deter his advances are most welcome!


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